Diaz Mussalimov
mentor of WSDT Spring 2021 winner, speaks about his trading path
Diaz Mussalimov: “It’s [trading] a great mental test. You’re studying not only technicalities but yourself, which was probably more important for me"

Written by a teamleader and edited by WSDT team
I started trading in January 2021, and to follow more of my trading adventures, follow my Instagram.
My operation is relatively new, a boutique with approximately 15 people. What initially drew me to the financial world was a conversation I had with my friend about his interest in trading. From there, I started to learn and quickly realized that the more you learn, the more you wanted to learn.

Once I started down this path of trading, I realized what a great mental test it was. When trading, you’re studying not only technicalities but yourself, and he saw the importance of this kind of self-discovery. Every day, you’re trying something new and making mistakes until you realize who you are as a trader.
In time, I began to understand that while trading isn’t an easy occupation, if you take the time to tame it, it’s one of the best. Anyone can hop onto the internet and start trading, but without proper knowledge, you can’t expect to make it too far. Like many beginners, I made some mistakes from lack of experience, but trading quickly started to become a daily passion. Anyone can succeed at it with a cool head and focus.
Thus far, my best trade happened during the GME rush, when Reddit helped the stock to reach the moon. I can still vividly remember the day I went 20 shares at 92 long.

One of my riskiest trades happened at the very beginning of a trading session, when I took a big size in RIOT before a huge pullback came in. I only stepped away from the computer for a few minutes, but when I came back, it was a cent away from my stop and a margin call. Thankfully, I was able to profit a little later.
To help evaluate risks such as these, I start with formation, volume, and round numbers—depending on where the timeline currently is. I also stay abreast of the industry, listening to my mentors and podcasts, as well as doing plenty of reading.