Financial Wizards

General information:
I am the head trader at Financial Market Wizards and together with my team, we work together to generate consistent profits for our clients. I have been trading Forex for almost 18 years.
About me*
I am primarily a momentum swing trader who looks for explosive moves that yield excellent risk to reward.
I started my trading journey by investing heavily into mentoring and workshops. I figured that it would drastically reduce my learning curve and turn me into a profitable trader.
Despite that, I believe account after account. My greatest loss; $30,000 in a single day when I was short AUDUSD. I can still remember that day clearly, even though it happened so many years ago.
As I grew in experience, I came to realize the root cause of my struggles; finding a strategy that matched my personality. Not some random strategy that I learn from Youtube or another strategy that worked for my mentor.
I spend the next couple of years really understanding my personality and building a strategy that suits me and that was when my trading really took off.
About Brand
Name of my company: Financial Market Wizards
We have coached and helped ten thousand subscribers with our forex signals, forex course, and youtube educational videos.
Today, we are focusing on improving the success rate of our subscribers by creating custom indicators and software to help them make better trading decisions.
The registration deadline is April 14
The registration deadline is April 14

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